Work Complete. NOT!


So now my boss feels I am ready to start training new members to use the service after looking over my revised user manual and training presentations.  I am a little on edge, but I will be ok since I have been prepped by both my predecessor and the traders in the AD department.  Sales department will also be on-hand to work alongside me on selecting members for training as well as giving pre-training advice (I hope).

I also learned that Ted has been bitten by the Emo bug since he is starting to worry about non-existant problems.

TED: This is what happens when you live on BUSCH CAMPUS too long…It does things to your psyche.  Good thing you moved to CAC to spend your final 2 years at Rutgers.

On a random note, I do think my mysterious stalker if the same person who is dating Sean.  I just checked Sean’s and I see the same patterns on his logs that I saw on the Milton blog.  The only difference is the main referring URL for Sean’s xanga is his facebook profile while my referrer are Edwin’s latest blogs.  Why the hell is that girl “cyberstalking” me when she already made all signs that she wants me out of her life like the plague?  In a related question, why the fuck is Choi (based on Hudson County) also stalking me? Doesn’t he know yet?

I’m still sore from yesterday’s workout.

I find myself eating more of my Chinese Aunt’s homemade KimChi and playing StarCraft on more often.  I also find myself typing “ZERG RUSH KEKEKE!” or “Corea Champion!” during my rounds on and believing that Dokdo belongs to Corea…

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